We practice Integrated Pest Management using 100% environmental friendly products and cultural practices
We drive small, fuel efficient, hybrid, and electric vehicles. We have an employee carpooling program
We volunteer to plant trees and support public educational opportunities any chance we get. We practice recycling; metals, plastics, paper and we compost
We have a live Green Roof
We only use environmentally friendly oil “green plus” in our power tools
We recycle our green waste
We are presently a member of the BC Forest Safety Council and SAFE certified
Our new head office building meets LEED Certified Standards
We use rainwater which we capture in our roof run-off rain catchment system for our plant health care services
We are the first Arboriculture company in BC to own a Hybrid Aerial Lift Truck!
We have been accredited as a Climate Smart Business since 2010
There are a range of charities that we support locally, provincially, nationally, and internationally, as we believe giving back to those in need is essential to being an industry leader and business of choice for both clients and staff. We have given back by fundraising, volunteering, raising awareness, and donating to our valued charities and invite the participation of staff, friends and family members to contribute during these opportunities. Whether it be to the benefit of the environment, animals, or fellow citizens, it is rewarding to know we are making a difference.
BC Plant Health Care believes that continual education is the foundation for a strong workforce and society. The company uses events such as Party for the Planet to celebrate the beauty of our environment, educating the public on the importance and benefits of trees. In addition, the owners have created several BC Plant Health Care Endowed Awards across the country, one of which recognizes a student from the School of Horticulture, Kwantlen Polytechnic University for their dedication to their studies and efforts towards a career in Arboriculture.
Whether it’s volunteering our time, recognizing outstanding individuals, or partnering with a local foundation, the members of our BC Plant Health Care team are making positive contributions, strengthening our connections to our community, and showing that we care!